Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Wizanda's Quotes

When we're the smartest person in the classroom, stop being the class-clown.

When we know we can get to each other, that is when it can strike home.

Doing things beyond expectations to begin with, often saves us more time in the long run.

Hippies - People connected to the earth by them being hip.

'Not all classrooms have four walls' - prisons do.

When we share potential with something that hasn't got the capacity to accept it, if it can't be absorbed, it's deflected elsewhere.
If we share with something dull, part is absorbed, yet not enough potential is returned to gain momentum.

When it all feels too much, recognizing it isn't all - can let us recalibrate.

A fit mind aspires to those who are better, and the unhealthy blame those who are less.

A feeling of winning can make us want to keep achieving certain tasks, and avoid others.

Moving closer to our own goals everyday, makes our life feel like it has a sense of purpose.

Everyone has God's spirit within - as the Source of reality is everything & everywhere.

If we wish to achieve something, be proactive, not inactive.

There is a difference between telling someone, and showing how something works.

We either keep telling ourselves it's not going to happen or start planning for when it actually does.

We say, "They're fit!", as we recognize fitness makes us more attractive.

Imbuing sensuality creates vitality's vibrancy.

Talent without any action doesn't mean anything, and a life without finding what motivates us is less driven.

When taking a polarized side, without understanding why the others exist, leads to us being less discerning.

When we've decided it's the right direction, we can then make more progress.

When we consider there is more interactions for a disaster, than a success - Why always try to be so perfect‽

A smile costs nothing, and can make us more beautiful for free.

Flexing the gonads produces kundalini i.e. hormones.

Weighing up the potential, lets us quantify if it's worthwhile.

Lethargicness is contagious; motivation takes movement.

Feng Shui spacing, makes room to think.

The effort to make something grow, can come from quickly planting the seeds, and then waiting.

Until we're willing to question all beliefs, we can't have a completely honest discussion.

Let go of wanting to rule the Stanford Experiment, and counteract the peer-pressure of the Milgram Experiment.

When in a spin, facing the direction earlier, controls the destination.

A sense of completion drives us.

Don't work faster, work more efficiently.

It's detrimental to productivity telling ourselves we can't, when we can.

Why keep waiting until we become uncomfortably numb‽

For something to become popular, it generally has to be quick & easy for everyone to accept.

Flailing without direction, leads to us sinking; if we can't set a course that creates momentum, learn to relax, float, and meditate on what motivates us.

When we recognize laziness causes detrimental effects, it can motivate us to change.

In better understanding our own character, it can make us less reactionary - as we can then perceive why we interact, rather than overreact.

We need to be creating a symphony with nature, not just living in harmony.

Dharma is one's natural duty: Where we're meant to eat entheogens, and not consume death.

Try smiling as a pastime - it makes us happy.

Atheism is like computer game characters misunderstanding that there has to be a CPU (Universal Central Processor).

We grow from salts, and we use sugar as fuel; too much salt overloads the roots, and too much sugar spoils us.
Fixing an overload, requires time & release, to make space for dilution.

When determined to achieve our own goals, we don't always consider others.

React positively because we can, not only because we can exploit.

Overcoming stresses, gives us opportunity to grow - when we don't allow it to break us.

When we want to be a support - get stronger.

A utopia that doesn't deal with the detrimental denominators, is a dystopian disaster waiting to happen.

It's easier to pass blame, than to apologize, and change our ways.

If we weren't down near Hell, then the biggest demons wouldn't be running the show.

Start with the smaller tasks that are achievable, so that the big goals get accomplished.

Knowing it's our duty, incentivize us to achieve.

We're in Charlie's Chocolate Factory, and some of the illegal flowery wallpaper, helps us see that we're in an advanced cartoon.

If we can't debate the polemic argument, we don't know both sides of a topic, to discuss it unbiasedly.

Everyone's mental health would be so much better, if we all stopped wanting others eliminated because of who they are.

If you gave some people every clue, they'd still be clueless.

Be the dream that you wish to see.

We either stay with an obstacle in front of us or we get more efficient to overcome it.
Catch up first, before taking extra weight, else both are delayed more in the long run.
If we're not warriors for righteousness down near Hell, we're most likely on the opposite side.
Many seek justice, as they've felt injustice.
Joining waves in the same direction, amplify each other; a wave splashing against an obstacle, creates power in the opposite direction.

If we share an equation with those who can not understand the sum, we make additional equations that won't be solved.

The jurisdiction that we put ourselves under, sets the ethical boundaries of our societal rationality.

When we leave things to the last minute, things can happen we didn't plan for.

In only seeking success we become complacent; whereas for every time we fail, it gives us a chance to grow stronger.

Without any aim, it can seem a bit pointless.

Momentum is needed to lift easier, and lifting weight causes inertia.

That same energy used to calculate worrying, can be used for fixing things.

Wisdom is found in recognizing the contrast; thus if we didn't have the contrasts, we wouldn't find the wisdom.

The difference between a dream & a nightmare, is when we deal with the reality presented, and feel we control the situation.

In letting go of trying to be one, we allow the space to be nothingness.

If we ask someone to help, who is buckling under the weight, they can crush us in the lack; help carry the weight, then ask for help.

Ultrasonic frequency underwater creates Sonoluminescence; souls down near Hell that accelerate their resonance create light.

We can only quantify a certain number of decisions at one time efficiently.

Whilst still needing to compete with the children, we're still being childish.

It is better to learn to swim in the shallows, and then move into the deeper bits - once we've understood how to float.

In the middle of the chaos, we can always compose harmonies within the music.

Repeating a name as soon as we hear it, helps us recall it later.

A strong connection to God, can make a loser feel like a winner.

We often get exploited trying to gain reward.

Blame mentality becomes habitual; repeatedly winning creates positive expectations.

Victim mentality is contagious - so is winning.

It's relaxing when we're not having to be something, and instead can just be.

We can not truly assess how wise something is, until we fully understand it.

If we always go half a mile, it's harder when we try to do two.

The complex equations we seek to be fulfilled by others, come from the calculations within us.

Chi requires flow to become initiated.

Dilemmas allow us opportunities for rectification.

Trying to reason with those who don't deal with the evidence, means the evidence won't speak for its self.

For everyone not meditating on their issues, is another part of the universe where the equations are left unresolved.

The system has to keep being optimized to be intuitive; yet people keep adding new features, thinking it fixes the problems.

Serving our desires only temporarily fulfils us; long term fulfilment is more enduring.

Continual newness within the moment, leads to renewable contentment.

We get lax when in routine; so keep it original.

Creating momentum within, can help us be driven.

Learn to reflect with those interested in the same concepts, as then it inspires us to do more; sharing with those bored at the concept, diminishes our energy invested.

The natural flow of things, causes us to relax.

Whilst competing with others, we can't all win together.

When someone always goes half a mile, going two doesn't always help in the long-run; just like us rowing in two directions, gets us nowhere.

Cymatics shows that certain frequencies create perfect patterns, implying that when something is in the right harmonies, it will resonate in a well structured way; whereas when something is out of harmony, the mechanisms within it will be imbalanced.

Finding the roots of the anger, and transducing it into something constructive; is more useful than punching the wall, and physically doubling the anger.

Rather than only seeking happiness in what is quickly attainable, working towards something sustainable is more fulfilling.

Realizing that everything wants treats, is a secret to finding success.

Larger than life characters don't fit into the preconditioned boxes, that compartmentalized thinking provides.

The Source of reality doesn’t give us everything we want, yet what we need to become better beings; in learning to strive to survive, we learn to attain strategies for helping others.

Time & space both exist inside a linear time frame, and have a sense of being; within higher dimensions beyond infinity, we start to exist as a part of cosmic music.

If we research other perspectives, we can test what are the clearest paths.

The object exists regardless of objections.

Captain Hook has been torturing the Children, to make here seem like it isn't Neverland.

Before claiming to be altruistic, first check if it's for selfish reasons or spite.

Something that takes more time, generally has more sustainability.

Life is only meaningless without purpose.
When someone is driven by a goal, they are determined, and have faith in what they want to accomplish; it can be depressing having no direction, and failing to achieve.

Imagine if we gave gold stars for learning to help others, rather than just ourselves, what a compassionate society it could create.

The problem with presenting ourself in the best light, is we produce contrasting shadows; whereas presenting shadows, allows the space to be illuminated.

First focus our attention deeply within, before depleting it outwardly.

Try being sweet, before bitter, else it leaves a nasty taste.

Only when we reach the darkest places, do we look for the light.

Governments have used religions to make wars.

If we don't properly assess our steps, we can fall over them later; thus spend time to reflect on what caused each step.

It's easier when we say, "We can do it."

We win when we have the same goal.

Don't resent adversity, grow from it.

Indoctrination isn't a belief, and isn't faith.

We're meant to learn to be ascending on the Highway to Hell.

Careful when going the extra mile, that we don't make others learn less.

Accusative forces thrive on us finding an enemy.

On the road to Babylon, the bumps can make love into live.

The flock loves those who've fed them, not the source of the food.

Many build upon the Pebbles, rather than the Rock; evangelizing death, doesn't lead to eternal life.

Don't be so silent, that we're not honest.

How to expound on profound points, when we only keep to a script.

Before getting on with something, first make sure we're getting somewhere.

God is not a being; it is everything.

Practise creates faith; knowing we can achieve, leads to confidence.

God wants all of us to learn to be unconditionally loving, and wise enough to share.

Having something doesn't provide the happiness, cherishing it does.

In the name of Christendom: the white skins killed the red skins, treated the black skins unfairly, and with the pale skins have caused war & famine.

Cannabis makes life's sensations vibrant.

Reading only one thing leads to confirmation bias; reading multiple leads to questioning perspectives.

True religion is meant to be about altruism, not martyrism.

Women know life can be a bloody mess, and still get on with it; it can take men sometime to learn it, and some have a hard time dealing with it.

Ultimately, find what makes the maths work.

Meditating on what causes something, helps us find ways to identify what fixes it.

Complacency comes from placating what's important.

If we don't want to be shallow, we need to go deeper.

We should always question any angle that is sharp, as it cuts for a reason.

If we've had to live a nightmare, we then try to live a dream, and if we've mainly lived a dream, we can then find the hardships more of a nightmare.

Alcohol leads to less balance; though it might make us feel high to begin with, it makes us feel flatter after, and long term abuse leaves us feeling down.

Exploring ideas feels fresh; returning to beliefs can be tedious.

We can't run from a gun; turn and stun, provides a better outcome.

Rather than compete with congestion, creating our own way, provides plenty of room to expand.

Intimacy is relayed within.

Religion has helped create our cohesive moral social fabric; thus in fixing the infrastructure, it directs our society to be more ethical.

Christ didn't come to die for sin; yet to catch out those who'd accept the Pharisaic atonement ideas.

The 10 Commandments are the steps of Jacob's Ladder.

It isn't about believing a Gospel, it is about living it.

A Klang in German can imply the fundamental Sounds of the Universe... So the saying, "Dropping a Klanger", could imply, 'Causing a Cacophony'.

Stop believing want to, & start understanding how to.

Often we're asked for a "Yes" or "No" answer; where that forces an opinion, when sometimes we're unsure..
Thus asking for a scale of "0-10" or "0-100%" is easier; as it then allows us the time to gauge how much.

Aspiring to have something, can give life a sense of purpose.

Until we've truly decided where it is we're wanting to get to, we will pass time away, rather than make time to reach it.

When we've decided where we'd like to get to, we can create a route that gets us there.

Cautiously take the path that the troll allows us to.

Not always "as easy as Pi"; when we don't find the center.

Recognizing why those who could trip us up later do so, subsequently means we then have less obstacles overall.

Tensing tones; repetition shapes.

Before we can truly heal, we've got to deal with the root of the pain.

If we don't like being in our own environment, it affects our whole being; learn to unconditionally-love, & maintain the home we're within.

When we truly apologize, we allow a space (-1), for others to then give back (+1) - So that a point can be resolved.

Remember to give the Source of reality a hug, it will hug you back.

Educating ourself, makes us learn the lies are unreal.

By connecting to the 0neness within each of us, we can access infinite wisdom & unconditional love at its Source.

People have a tendency to keep adding new stuff to projects, and not enough effort on improved revitalizations; where improving the system leads to longevity in a project.

School for me, was where we'd go to a comedy club to heckle the entertainers; unfortunately the headmaster didn't have the same sense of humour.

Will power can be driven by logic; when we know something is illogical, we find the motivation.

To fix the Big Black Dog of depression:
Don't use chemicals to patch it up, else you damage the host, not the symptoms.
Don't put all your issues out in one go, looking for quick solutions.
Learn to internally push through the traumas one by one, in deep meditative reflections.

Make everything in life an art.

Life is a beautiful adventure playground, with lots of obstacles to overcome; not just to admire the scenery.

Perfection takes time, and timing takes perfection.

Unconditional-love is omnidirectional; whereas love is often a reflection.

Learn to alchemize negatives into positives, and create inner space from the process.

When out of the mire, we can pull others out; yet whilst still in it, we can drag others back in.

Christ taught repentance for the forgiveness of sin; the Pharisees taught we need some form of payment.

Internet Trolls say snide things to aggravate others; as they think there is no comeback... Yet intelligent answers win the audience, and people question the morality together.

Taxing everyone to support the military-industrial complex is a waste.

Having things doesn't bring fulfilment, if we don't make the most of what we've got.

Become the inspiration we want to see.

Spending the time on what works best, is more efficient overall.

We need to keep fit, else gravity gets us down.

Building a sense of achievement, means setting goals, and fulfilling them.

Every step can be a spiritual experience, when we consciously participate.

To feel we're on the right path, our purpose has to match our destiny.

Be prepared like we're in the A-Team.

It isn't religion & politics that is the main problem, it is the cultism.

Building ourself up, elevates our situation; so then we can lift others up.

The object of our desires has to start within.

When we go the extra mile, we get stronger in the process.

Learning not to fight the process; makes it we recognize the mistakes quicker, and gain from the experience more.

What are we here for? Too coexist!!

Many religiously minded people have this boolean way of thinking, where everything has to be 'true, false, & null'; whereas it is far more logical to recognize everything is quantifiable in variables.

In recognizing the opposites of evil, we can become wiser.

If we spent less time on how much we hate the other side, and more on how we can work together, we'd get more done.

When we assume something highly complex is simple, we can miss the advanced aspects, by overlooking the authenticity.
It would be like trying to solve algebra with a hammer, and claiming it works, as we can smash it down.

We ask, "Why do the good die early?", because they've been released for good behaviour.

When trying to teach a megalomanic, they'll add it to their own status, to make themself seem bigger.

Using adequate weights, means we train less, and gain more in return.

Reliable profit comes from maintaining a good product; not exploiting every last drop. Corporations need to recognize that sustainability, is seriously far more important, than capital before anything else.

People are self serving; thus to motivate them, all we have to do is promote an idea that suits themselves.

The clues we're on a show, is the deliberate mistakes; where we won't see it clearly, until we step back to look at the scene.

It's not always what we've got, yet how much we make of it.

The less we understand, the more we look for hope in solutions that don't always add up.

If we're always busy, we have no time for gardening; then the weeds can take over, until we feel cramped in our own mind.

Having a religion doesn't make people righteous, action does.

In finding the things we've lost, we can take stock in the things we have.

When we remove all boundaries in questioning all perspectives: where religious texts, maths, science & spirituality are all part of understanding, we are all just music in a universal symphony.

We become the role we've been playing.

Letting go helps; realizing it is all Maya, and therefore the Code doesn't really end, it all just transforms.

We exist within a Oneness of Source Code; the Source exists beyond the reality being formulated, in a state of 0neness.

Taking what is sacred, and profaning it, lowers societal values.

Our vitality is regulated by our hormones; where arousal comes from conscious core attunement.

No one can steal our light, only temporarily dull it; as the more pain we have, the more it can be fuel for the fire that lights within.

Sometimes it seems we have to learn our lessons the hard way, regardless if we're warned.

Learn to process one aspect of our contentions at a time, nurturing, & rectifying the areas that were neglected within the experience.

Don't pray for a person to change, pray for Source to change them.

People would rather not look for their own inner demons, if they can blame externally.

Stronger integrity allows us to bounce off each other, and lift up those weaker.

The problem of making some alternate force to God, is that there is One Universal Source to reality - Nothing exists unless it's allowed to.

As two people's perspectives will be slightly different, truth is generally subjective; when enough perspectives justify the same, we view this as objective.

The need to be in love with someone, can distract us from being in love with life.

If we share the load with someone, and they push more weight onto us by their rejection of the concepts, it can make it heavier.

The stuff we put off, we still have to think about.

If we share our drive with those not motivated in the same direction, we lose our momentum.

If someone is not all there, they can only meet you where they are at.

Trying to share logical equations, with someone illogical, leads to wonky equations.

Getting up and having negative reinforcements can become habitual; we should arise and seek to make positive equations.

If the system is not organic, unless people care, the machine won't fix its self.

Placebo operations can heal us; thus beliefs can make us ill.

Zen is the Colours, between the lights in the rainbow.
Zen is the sounds, that captures the imagination of the listener.
Dao is the art easel, to hold the Zen.
Faith is the water, that flows from the Dao to paint the Zen.

Anything you fight, can make it stronger; ego is a self defence mechanism of the soul.

If you use force to snap a twig (ego), it comes and hits you back.... If you find the point within the twig, that the chi is weak, it naturally wants to snap for you.

Whereas the self desires recognition; 0neness lets go.

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a children's playground; not a morgue!

Find inner peace, like a pearl being bashed about by the ocean; learn to settle within, like being the peace within the eye of a storm.

We are, as Oneness is.

0neness isn't "I AM".

When you find the Bodhisattva within, you realize all have Nirvana (0neness); it is Maya unawareness, that causes our misunderstandings.

When we finally let go, the answer is often there in front of us.

Part of being enlightened, is constantly removing the veils of delusion from our perceptions of reality; thus it is in constantly seeking we free ourselves.

Try not to believe in anything; just let the evidence speak for its self.

If you unconditionally love your own; why is there a condition not to love everyone else equally as well?

Spirituality is about understanding ourselves within the Oneness of all.

Don't follow a religion, it is a way to keep people in groups; follow the Source of it all.

The place where the religions are right, is Oneness being the ultimate goal; 'the rest is just commentary'.

Oneness is found in the center of all consciousness.

Oneness unifies; ego separates.

Learn to use negativity, as fuel for positivity.

We all have the same Oneness within us.

Oneness is ever prevailing; it is like the water that fills the oceans, Dharma stems from it, Tao (wisdom) resides within its core, unconditional love is its substance.

It is the many subtle colours each of us adds, that makes the light of Oneness.

Recognizing the Santana of our soul's melody, is a life time of progression; as if we keep to playing within the Divine rhythms, it infinitely keeps evolving.

Heaven is the singularity (0neness) in the center of all consciousness; the place that manifest this physical reality. God is the CPU and heaven is the RAM; we are in the hard-drives somewhere.

Find inner peace of your own song in nature, away from the cacophony of the city; where we've become an integrated part, in an out of tune symphony.

A diamond doesn't reflect (love), it refracts and produces rainbows; so only when we let go of all reflections, can we become unconditionally loving.

0 x 1∞ = 1

We can push ourself up the hill, and become stronger or roll ourself into a pit, and feel sorry for ourself.

Freeing is not needing to be being.

The unifying of people is for peace; yet a religion of killing everyone who doesn't follow your belief isn't for peace.

When people think that the Word of God is a book; then that misses the point of scripture.

Only from the formless, can come all form.
Only from the selfless, can all selves dwell within it.
Only from the unmanifest, can come the manifest.
Only from an infinite perspective, can many finite perspectives exist within it.

Knowledge is found at the end of your nose, wisdom is found at the bottom of your toes; seek too much of man's knowledge, and you won't see your toes, as your nose grows.

Until people feel acknowledged that they're being heard, don't expect them to be listening properly.

If we don't recognize the contrast, we don't see the differences.

When we are not willing to look at all the perspectives, that often leads to us being hypocritical, without realizing we are.

Two tears in a bucket!!

If we cried for every rain drop's pain, eventually we'll drown.

It is often the ideas that excite us, more than the action.

When the ship is sinking, noticing it is a beautiful day, isn't the most important thing.

Believing in a Roman torture device, means we don't walk with a living King.

If someone isn't really interested in a subject, they're hardly going to give the best feedback.

With both eyes upon the Source of reality (God), allows people to hear within.

If the internal equations don't add up, the external equations can seem daunting.

Introverts gang up on extroverts for being outspoken.

Movement creates momentum..
Making headway, allows us to see what destination we'd like to choose.

The more something sets us back, the more opportunity there is to catchup.

Invest energy in that which creates energy.

The periodic table proves we live in a matrix; where it's a mathematical grid of equations making up reality.

The Universe is One Symphony; where everything is maths.

Some sky-daddy has replaced theology, when it was about understanding what reality is.

Don't think we're here to acquire a fan-club of righteous followers, as look what happened when people tried that in the past.

Stop running off from yourself; turn everything off, and sort yourself.

Learn to be grateful about the opportunity to grow from the negatives, & train to savour every moment reaching towards the light.

Compassion has to start closest; as systems conform, where we look for external features, rather than structure first.

Love the Source of reality first, everything else is transitory.

It is easiest to prove God first from mathematics, rather than faith.

Spirituality canonized makes a religion.

Rather than only believe our own reflections on a subject, be willing to question what we don't know.

If you have a doldrum (dulldrum), hit the drum with more energy or increase the tension.

Turn the reflection of attention inwardly, and listen to the Source at its root.

If rocks can become worshippers; salty people make great fertilizer.

Test logically what adds up; just because people agree, doesn't make it fact - Evidence does.

Whilst our hands are full of pains from the past, it is harder to pick up others.

Meditate, step back, & internally massage the shoulders.

People who believe the 'devil' has power, are often scaremongers.

Spend less time trying to make followers, and more on being something worthy of following.

The diluted salts of suffering, can be used to encapsulate growth towards the light.

Belief is from the mind, and faith comes from the trust within the heart.

Make sure the support is solid enough to hold the weight.

Enjoy the show whilst it lasts, as the symphony's music produces happiness; whereas anticipation of the completion is short lived.

A strong reaction, causes an opposite reaction.

It is sometimes better to go within, than to go without.

The body is a spacesuit for the soul.

Learning to meditate, and deal with each issue; helps make more tactical movements. Rushing around without making sensible steps; wastes more time.

When does caution become fear; when does assumption become insincere.

Bitching on a soapbox, isn't preaching righteousness.

Only when we don't focus outwardly, can we truly hear within.

The pain we've worked through, is then the strength to overcome tomorrow.

The more we divide our attention, the less attention we give.

Stop blaming others for being less than you are.

The river flows not to break its banks.
The tree produces fruit to spread its seed.
The sun blazes to use its fuel.
The flower radiates fragrance to be pollinated.
Thus learning to have something within to share, makes us a benefit for many.

Goals set drive; which sets faith.

No one else is going to get you fit.

If we bless or curse a karmic balance, we can affect the results.

Growth makes all beings feel more in themself.

Build on what is known within a case, before dismantling it until there is nothing left.

Self worth comes from acceptance.

To master something we have to learn from the mistakes, and to begin there is always loads to make.

A feeling of completion generates a sense of fulfilment; a feeling of missing promotes a sense of emptiness.

People work best when inspired; pay doesn't make the soldier.

If you want someone to cope, then simple folks, like simple jokes; thus lead them with hope, rather than a rope that chokes.

From traumas we often learn the deepest wisdoms... It takes knowing the depths, to see the heights.

Disciplinary, not reactionary.

What is one being's waste, is another's wealth.

When we learn to sit doing our own counselling, doing nothing is really useful.

Before we find the strength to overcome, first we've got to set our heart in the right direction.

Many have an auto switch off to anything not inside their understanding; thus getting someone to answer positively, makes the next answer more likely to be positive.

Only talking to obstinate people becomes conditioning.

Alcohol is a rotten crutch.

We've been taught to fight the sides, rather than see all the perspectives.

We should create a system that allows people to care.

When looking for positives down near Hell, we often come up with the wrong answers.

Allow synchronicities to show us reality is inside a universal computer.

The narcissist will tell us how they are the hero; the saint will tell us how they could have done more.

Learn to go deeper within the lows, to convert that growth into light.

True religion is one; whereas religions often come from a cult mentality, that has then caused cultural divide.

Weed regulates brain neurology, and psychedelics make us smarter.

Living the gospel, and preaching it, are two different things - only one brings salvation.

Real communism is against fascism; which is what has taken over the world already - an oligarchy of corporatocracy.

Trying to save time, and blundering, can cost more than double.

People saying if we go there, "we'll be happy"; thus unhappiness resides at the alternative?
Come to the gym, "we'll get fit"; thus the alternative is laziness?
Slowly realized it all starts within, not without; else we're always seeking - When sorting internal space endures.

A nervous breakdown is an overload of paperwork; depression is it getting on top of us, and weighing us down.

If we try to wake someone up, when they want to go back to sleep, they can get angry.

We don't level up without the effort.

Instead of medicate, which is to administer remedies or mediate to find a middle ground, if we meditate, we find relief in measuring our feelings.

We're all like fallen angels with one wing, and inner demons we each have to conquer. Many pull each other's feathers off, claiming them not to be angelic; whereas when we all work together we can fly.

If we lack support: Allow our journey's depths to help us grow, in the direction we're reaching towards.
External structures don't always go along with our journey; thus we can stunt our growth by leaning too much outwardly.

Stronger the body, more it can fight its own symptoms.

When someone blames the person, rather than the system, it comes from a place of narcissism.

Many people are taking up meditation, not for woolliness; yet because spending 15mins+ gardening, means it becomes a pleasure to sit, and smell the flowers, rather than the compost.

Polite-Lying-Ticks = Sucking the blood out of society.

Learn to sit quietly to deal with inner equations, as even music can become a narrative.

Every obstacle ignored can make us weaker; every climb can make us stronger.

When we unconditionally love angels, they reflect back light.

We can mathematically prove the periodic table is a matrix, thus our reality is all made from maths. The Fibonacci sequence is interwoven into the basics of reality, thus everything is formulated from a central Source.

True religion was about spiritual development, and entheogens; believing in someone's experiences is a cult.

Stresses cause change; therefore addressing the stresses, allows change.

Om Namah Shiva Ya.
Bhagavān Brahma is Yahavah.
Yeshua caught out Tārakāsura,
As Skanda is Sananda.

Is a nutcase nuts? We always need to understand the situation, before blaming the contents.

Unless we're talking to a psychologist, then they might lock us up for being conscious. Psychedelics make us smarter, so we then realize we're inside a mathematical matrix - thus it isn't crazy to be Logical.

Turn everything into metaphysics, 🕸 it hurts less then.

Focusing energy, creates more drive.

Part of feeling alive, is to create life.

How will someone who spends their life on their ego, then spend an infinite life of servitude, and enjoy it?

Make energy our first priority, everything else comes after.
Put more in, to get more out.

Something glorious, creates shadows.

Anti-religious people are often proven insane by their lack of logic: We're all inside a universal quantum computer, where God is the CPU. The idea people don't understand logic implies everything can be shown to be equations, is thus illogical, and even delusional in some cases.

Achieving our goals like someone told us, "we're not even good enough to try."

People will hammer down a nail that sticks out; yet when people realize that nail can be useful to hang things on, that nail can become famous in the right places.

Simple people like simple solutions; which makes it complex to explain the complexities.

Meditation isn't quiet, until the mind is empty.

With the right support, we can heal.

Reporting an error quickly and efficiently, isn't confrontational, it allows it to be fixed.

Only we can make our self stronger, and no one can stop us being lazy, if we're not willing.

Buddha taught how we can systematically remove all ideas by seeing the opposites; then we can come to a state of Nirvana when all obstacles are gone - Words muddy the simpleness of 0neness.

One gives one's heart to 0neness!!

When we stop flailing trying to tread water, and instead swim strong, we realize we always floated.

Ageing badly is a choice - Alcohol is over a few years old rotten plants & meat is over a few weeks old decomposing flesh; choose life.

It tastes better as a mix; we all get used to one variety too quick, so mixes keep us real.

Over multi-tasking can spread the paint too thin; learn to mix more paint within, before over applying, and going without.

If we don't value our own light, often we will dull others.
Thus learn to be an inspiration, before claiming to be inspiring.
If we don't build our own personal space stronger, we can't show others to do the same.

Sometimes when we're stuck on a ladder, the only option is to climb higher, and realize we are in control of the situation.

It is a bit pointless doing something, and not getting anywhere.
Joy is in the journey, and celebration is in the destination.

Scrolling our own memories (meditation) leads to connection; scrolling other people's memories can lead to detachment.

People who think they're smarter than the Bible, clearly haven't read what is going on.

If we let someone less smart guide our life, they can only destine as far as they can see.

It's harder to do complex internal questions, whilst busy doing things.

Fungi create mycelium, which is the neural network of nature; it does the same in our system. We need vitamin B12; which is found in fungi.

When we only give half the attention, we get less impact.
If we avoid giving our soul the attention, we don't truly listen to others either.
0neness has to start within, before it spreads outwardly.

Down near Hell, loathe that which fits in, and love that which excels against the odds.

Being a diamond down near Hell; Is better than swallowing a pill, And thinking it's all swell.
Claiming our self superior; Whilst deeming everyone else inferior.
Recognizing the reality, Defeats the vanity; Where we've all got inner demons down here, Then we don't need to live in fear.

Our finger print proves we're in a reality with one Source, and that the reality is a mathematical matrix.
Greek logic was that our reality is all made from logical equations i.e Maths.
It is thus illogical to believe there is no Source (God).

People who act like bums, often crap on others to get ahead, as they already feel they're at the bottom.

If we don't first meditate on the right direction, others will direct us.

Cognitive bias was a planned epidemic.

Imagine if we didn't  celebrate the false Christmas ideology, and all understood the real reasons Santa Claus looks like Fly Agaric - It could be a lot more magical at Yule Tide.

Until we're truly in a state of peace, nothing smoothly flows - we cause our own blows.

When we move from 'want to', into we'd 'love to', we see that 'have to', 'should do', and even 'could do' can be depressive.

We can not untie a knot, until we find the thread, and we can not solve a rhyme, until we find the time.

The more limited the path, the more people fight to defend their position... The more roads travelled doesn't make us lost, it can make us know the way.

We always travel along something; yet a journey doesn't always require us getting anywhere.

We can't make headway without space.

Choose to love; not to only click like.

Live to love; not live to hate.

It is best not to disregard information, questioning perspectives doesn't hurt us; ignoring reality does.

If we paint when the paint isn't wet, it doesn't spread.
If we write when the pen isn't flowing, the ink doesn't stay.
First sort the internal workings, before proceeding to explain something that no one sees.

We were all an expression of cuddles once upon a time.

By the very nature of life, it is in a state of decay; so preserve that which lasts.

Most of the time, it isn't how we fall that matters, yet how we land.

Here are gaming dynamics, that when we apply to life, answer many questions:
1st) Finding requirements.
2nd) Fulfilling requisites.
3rd) Finishing conquests.
4th) Winning pecking order.
5th) Mastering the techniques.

Spiritually being attractive internally is alluring; whereas being repressive, leads to external repressions.

Chi is more important than doing things, as we often have to do twice as much without Chi.

It is hard to get to where we really want to go, until we've set our rudder in the right direction; the wind can only push us.

If we're not comfortable in our own space, it doesn't matter what we've got to fill it.

We attract reality from how we are within; our ego is our external reflection, which leads us away from Source.

Find blaming the political puppet show for being a comedy, is like saying Punch is going to hit Judy, and then the Crocodile is coming.

Who we choose as confidants, affects our confidence.

We can either elevate or deflate, depending how  we relate.

We will never be content, until we accept things as they are; plus we won't elevate our situation, until we understand it.

It's a nice ideal to live in harmony, yet if everything around us is crumbling, then it becomes unreal.
If we attend to the things that are crumbling, then we can have harmony, whilst we live an amazingly real life.

We live in a holographic reality, where there is more space in atomic structure than mass.

Why play an extra, when you're the lead.

What if hell is full of grammar, and heaven has no form?
Therefore a grimoire is grammar; a book of spells in Hell, which produces empty shells...
Heaven has no factor, thus doesn't need a protractor; as on every degree, 0neness can see.

Shepherds will check the pen; sheep settle for it.

Real power comes from the structuring within building good foundations; when this isn't set properly, force is used to maintain it.

Real magic goes beyond the laws.

Head uphill, in a world going downhill.

Think we were always in a symbiosis with nature; just some of us have forgotten.

Live your life to be inspired, not only desired.

As for divinity within all, light shines on nature; yet its roots grow in the darkness.

Solving our own cryptic crossword, leads to finding light within.

Don't just be a pawn played in the game; realize the destination, become a player of the game.

Everyone has a part to play in the puzzle, don't blame others for being light or dark, and you will see how they fit into the overall picture.

Near hell practising to be an angel.

Without first knowing our own true inner reflection, inner fears fester within our love; blinding us to giving love truly.

Blood is thicker than water, spirit is stronger then flesh.

"DMT is illegal"; which is really strange when its the pineal gland, that produces it also.
Please everyone don't dream, else you're breaking the law.

The glass always has extra space for potential.

If you say "yes", when you mean "no"; often you'll do the opposite.

It's just taking steps in a direction and once you start a journey, you see the path.

2 main party politics, 2 main religions... Considering one is clearly rigged; why don't people contemplate the other might be?

Keep the fire of faith in your heart; don't let others blow it out, just because their light has darkened.

Continually practise being within unconditional love, within your own heart.

In purgatory, its not all a sharp bed of roses; some are beautiful.

Seeking to be in love, when we can be love.

Whilst people keep repeating "its paradise"... Everything causes an equal and opposite reaction.
So instead, why not try saying "here is a big compost heap (Gehenna)"; then the world might become a better place, rather then worse.

Isn't it strange, that a witch knew more about creating a living medicine to heal you; than a doctor who can prescribe death, does now.

Compassion Before Passion.

You can teach an old dog new tricks; you just have to repeat it multiple times.

Wisdom is the Key, Unconditional Love is the Answer.

Hate blinds us to the truth; so much we will even distort what we see, to make it fit with our own idea's of truth.

Love Unconditionally, Feel Passionately, Trust Truthfully, Teach Patiently, Think Creatively... +?

A quick smack, is far better than having to knock them out later!
*Disclaimer - Looking for more politically correct wording?*

If we want to be conscious in Hell, we need to find inner focus, and walk in light; otherwise people's shadows can trip us up.

Just because you aren't on the inside of the bars, doesn't mean that was the free option.

Succeed like someone told you,"you'll never be able to do that!"

Why would you be a light worker, when we can be light emitters?

When the ego quietens, the spirit enlightens.

In this world full of lies; it is far easier to establish the fallacy in a subject first, before trying to establish the truth, built upon lies.

Force doesn't make a funky rhythm; ingenuity and timing does.

When in Hell, don't be like the Romans.

Find we're like a melody in life, and it is all about learning to share it; so we can become a symphony.

We are in a giant conscious symphony; where every note is a character, and every musician is a soul...
Unfortunately some people are so busy with reading the sheet music; they've ignored the conductor.

Belief is a weak form of actually knowing.

It is true we should study every word; yet not so long that we don't see the point.

Pay attention to who controls the strings; don't blame the puppets.

Never think you are not a winner; as if you hadn't won the race to begin, you wouldn't have been born.

Confidence is an illusion; that is based on the ability to exuberate stability, yet any doubt shows.

Hate into Love.
Fear into Faith.
Anger into Peace.

Anyone who thinks their logic is without error, has a flaw in logic somewhere.

There are many opinions, and between them we can build a bridge of understanding.

Like destiny has a course, and regardless of which way you sail, we still end up being blown to the destination it has chosen.

Note to self, stop offering flatteries to soothe the ego - it leads to delusion.

Righteousness isn't a merit badge we get, it is an uphill struggle.

Looking at other perspectives isn't a bad path, as we don't need to go down every direction we see.

Happiness isn't something we attain, it is something we have to always work towards.

People won't move until the grass is greener; plus often don't move until it has already gotten worse.

Being open to being delusional, is the first steps to being rational in this crazy world.

Putting up with something, is not loving.

The masculine can inflate an idea, the feminine can encompass it; together it can birth balance.

On the road to understanding God, individual religions are only the stepping stones to finding it on the other side.

We don't need to remove people's selfish natures; we need to learn to work within the parameters of the situation we have... Thus everyone can be selfishly motivated to make their world a better place.

The Tao is the Wisdom & Logic stemming from the Core of reality; the Dharma is the naturally righteous path that flows with it.

Many want to live like Gods; yet not to act like one.

The symphony that the CPU sings, makes all these unique melodies as things.

Never start a war; always look to implore.

Acceptance of how we feel helps, and transparency can lead us to it.

Belief has a lie, knowing is subjective, showing is objective.
Children compete, adults relate, grandparents raise.

Meditation isn't about finding silence; it is about learning to listen to the inner voice.

Watch the Game, not the Self.

Without the ups and downs, it doesn't make good music.

Nothing out there, can ever complete our own soul.

Instead of reflect self love with the light from the Source; let the unconditional love from the Source permeate through everything, by not over attaching to the self.

A sense of completion satisfies us.

When we've learned to see that externally blaming, leads to three fingers pointing back; the inner wisdom of reflection within, creates light to share.

If we walk away from light, we create shadows in the process... When we can create reality, we need to paint both.

Yoga mats prevent ionization within earthing.

Religion wasn't about following someone; it is about following something.

We all need to fix things to get over them; leaving the bridges broken floods, building walls with the bricks, doesn't fix the path.

Like skipping invites a step, a comma invites a word.

Truth is established when we remove all the fallacies from a subject; most never find anything that remotely resembles it, as they look for truth, not fallacies.

When passing blame instead of assigning, it gives part of the equation away, and creates a shadow.

Practise being a success; not living a failure.

To rush a moment, spoils its timing; to awkwardly pause a phrase, can cause dismays.

Movement creates time. Alcohol slurs timing, and inflates gravity. Blame burdens each other. Entheogens help quantify our timing. Meditation leads to embracing the infinite melody.

Inspire zeal, by being real.

If someone is really listening to people they take notes; many just wanna argue about knowing best... Thus watch if they limit time, as they can't really be bothered to listen.

When only looking for our own authenticity, often that is all we will find.

If you splash after a ball in water, it moves further away; open your arms and it comes to you on the current.

The longer it takes to complete something, the more satisfaction it gives when it's done.
So enjoy the longer journey.......................

You might as well ask for a swimming pool of manure, and learn to swim; rather than asking for no shit in your life repeatedly.

Stop yearning for what you haven't got; start learning to be what you have got.

Wonder if depression is us trying to run off from our past, by running into it; rather than comprehending it, and then using it to surf on.

We should be building bridges, instead of walls and it takes the same amount of bricks to build both.

An old soul realizes we are all children at heart from a young age; where as a young soul has expectations that age brings wisdom.

Tell Lies Vision, Programs Us!

True democracy is voting for the things you need, and not the people you don't.

My Momma said, 'Life is like a box of chocolates... Someone took all the smooth ones, and left all the nuts.'

Monday, September 30, 2024

Social Change

No wonder society is dystopian:
When it's trying to be authoritarian,
Even though many are contrarian.
For things to be utopian:
Better to recognize a feeling of completion,
Leads to enthusiasm;
A feeling of suppression,
Leads to retribution,
& capitalism can lead to destitution.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Establishing the King of Kings


To understand who is the King of Kings properly according to scripture, takes understanding the theological position of the characters presented in the religious texts, else it becomes idolatrous, and defiles different religious principles.

Firstly, God is the Source of reality, and can not be a man incarnate; it is like us being inside a giant supercomputer, and God is the Universal Central Processor (CPU) - formulating reality at a quantum level. For the CPU to interact with the reality, God has made Divine Beings/Avatars/Archangels, who have then performed the tasks required. Thus God is the whole of reality, the Creator Divine Being is the Arm of God used to interact with the Creation, and exists at a Heavenly dimensional level, and the Messiah is the Hand of God to relay, and establish the principles of God in this reality.

Many believe that YHVH is a name, when it can be shown to be a direct translation of Bhagavan Brahma; where Havah (Hebrew), and Brahma (Sanskrit), have the same meaning, 'to be, to make manifest', and both come from the root breath. The terminologies YHVH & Bhagavan Brahma imply the 'Lord' 'who Makes Become' i.e the Creator.

The name of the Creator in quite a few cultures was variations of a word sounding like "Zan" - this is from a book called the Zanoni by Edward Bulwer Lytton:

Zan was unquestionably the Chaldean appellation for the sun. Even the Greeks, who mutilated every Oriental name, had retained the right one in this case, as the Cretan inscription on the tomb of Zeus (Ode megas keitai Zan.—"Cyril contra Julian." (Here lies great Jove.)) significantly showed. As to the rest, the Zan, or Zaun, was, with the Sidonians, no uncommon prefix to On. Adonis was but another name for Zanonas, whose worship in Sidon Hesychius records.

The Nicene Church Fathers have this same quote from the Greeks, where they'd correlated that there is one Creator Divine Being, with different descriptions in different cultures - Where 'Jupiter' is named after the planets, and is the 'Father' ('pater' - Latin) of the Gods in the Roman Pantheon, 'Jove' is the Hebrews terminology for the 'Lord of Creation', and 'Zan' is the name of 'Zeus', where 'Zeus' is a mixture of the words 'Zoe' meaning 'life', and 'deus' meaning 'deity':

The Cretans have a tomb of Jupiter, with this inscription. “Here lieth Zan, whom they call Jove.”

Here within the list of names of the Creator globally, we can see that there are variations of the same sound on two sides of the world, when there is no reason for them to be interacting, and sharing their religious ideas:

Zeus = Zan (Greek). Zanahary (Madagascar). Itzamna (Mayan). Izanagi/Itzanmi (Shinto). Tsangpa Karpo (Bon - Tibet). Shuzanghu/Zumiang-Nui (Dhammai - Northeast India). Gozanze-Myo (Japan). Manzan Gormo (Burait - Middle Eastern).

The reason for explaining this is because I've known since an early age advanced details about religion & theology, and knew that our name was recorded in the world's religious texts as part of prophecy - I just wasn't sure of the exact details at that age.

At 4-5 years old I knew that I'm an Avatar sent from Heaven, and at 15 the Source of reality spoke to me showing me global eschatology, and asking me to read the world's religions. At the age of 21 I fulfilled Revelation 5 & 10, three years before reading the Bible.

Since studying many of the world's religions, and explaining prophecy over the last 20 years online, I've realized how variations of our name are within many of them.

We're told in Revelation 19:12 how Christ has a New Name, that only he knows; which if we investigate the meanings within Revelation 3:12, we can show the name is there in what is presented:

Revelation 3:12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar (Sandalphon) in the temple of my God, and he will go out from there no more. I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God (Zion), the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, and my own new name (Sananda).

Sandalphon is the Archangel in Jewish Angelology, who acts as the Trunk of the Tree of Life, who interacts with mankind for God; the position within the Sephiroth is known as 'Malkuth', which means 'King'. Sandalphon like Elijah is seen as going up on a Pillar to Heaven.

There are many verses where Zion becomes the place the Lord of Creation speaks from within the Tanakh (Psalms 132:13-14, Joel 3:16-17+21, Isaiah 2:3, Micah 4:2+7, Isaiah 8:18, Isaiah 24:23, Isaiah 40:9, Psalms 99:2, Amos 1:2, Jeremiah 31:6, Psalms 65:1, Psalms 76:2, Psalms 84:7, Psalms 102:21, Isaiah 28:16, Jeremiah 8:19, Zechariah 8:3), and a few scriptures have 'Your Divine Being Zion' (Psalms 146:10, 147:12, Isaiah 52:7), where Zion becomes the symbolic naming of the Messiah, and the one who brings the 'Good News'.

It is believed by many that the New Name of Christ is Sananda, where it interlinks the original name of the Creator's son in the Dharmic religion, where Sanandana is one of the first beings made by Brahma.

Though as stating God is the Source of reality, and should be worshipped alone, the Messiah is named after God in a few of the world's religions, and the Messiah returns named after the Creator in Zechariah 12:8, Matthew 23:39, Psalms 118:26, etc.

Part of the reason the Messiah is named after the Divine is to unite the world's religions, into a true Oneness, as to help create the Messianic Age. There is prophecy in multiple religious ideas, where the naming then aligns it all into one narrative.

So for example the Dharmic religions wait for Kalki the final incarnation of Vishnu; Kalki carries a sword of Justice, called Nandaka. There is also expectations that Skanda the son of Shiva will come before , again all aligning with one name.

In Zoroastrianism the Source of reality is called Ahura Mazda, where 'Ahura' means 'Lord', and 'Mazda' means Wisdom. There are prophesied Saoshyants (Bringers of Truth) sent from Heaven, where the last is sent to Exegete the religious text, where the word 'Zand' means 'Exegesis' in Persian.

In Buddhism Ananda is the person who had an advanced memory, and helped document the Sutras. In Tibetan Buddhism the Head of the Divine Beings in the sacred realm Shambhala, is called Suchandra.

Though I made up the word wizanda, as I couldn't get Zanda as a Yahoo email address, I decided to make it sound like a wizard on the internet; not realizing that it then becomes an anagram of Odin in Germanic 'Wōdanaz'.

Odin is prophesied to come on a White Horse before Ragnarök, the same as Kalki comes on a White Horse from Shambhala (Place of Peace) before the end of Kali Yuga (Age of Limitation), and Sananda comes on a White Horse in Revelation from the New Jerusalem (City/Place of Peace).

In the Tibetan Bon religion Tsangpa Karpo is the name for the Creator (Brahma), and Kuntu Zangpo is the name for the Buddha.

In the Mandean religion there is different stations of Divine Beings, very similar to how the archangels exist at different positions on the Jewish Tree of Life, where Abatur Muzania is the Heavenly Divine Being, and Zan-Hazazban rules over the lower realms.

This is only a start to some of the prophetic naming globally, as though I've looked at many religions globally, there is loads that will be missed:

Sandalphon (Judaism). Yeshua (Sananda) (New Name of Christ). Kalki (Nandaka)/Skanda/Sanandana (Hinduism). Ahura Mazda + Saoshyant (Zand = Exegesis) (Zoroastrianism). Maitreya (Ananda/Skanda/Suchandra) (Buddhism). Odin = Wōdanaz. (Norse). Zeus = Zan (Greek). Zanahary (Madagascar). Itzamna (Mayan). Izanagi/Itzanmi (Shinto). Tsangpa Karpo, Kuntu Zangpo (Bon - Tibet). Shuzanghu/Zumiang-Nui (Dhammai - Northeast India). Gozanze-Myo (Japan). Manzan Gormo (Burait - Middle Eastern). Zână (Romanian), Zana (Albanian), Xana (Asturian). Marzanna (Slavic). Abatur Muzania, Zan-Hazazban (Mandaeans). Sandas (Hittite).

In the Australian Aboriginal religion Walaganda is Head of the Dream walkers, who helped create reality.

In the start of the Mahabharata Īśāna is the creator of the Egg of Reality (BrahmaAnda). It is also questioned if the Japanese names for the Creators Izanagi, and Izanami, are the same as the Sanskrit names Īśāna, and Īśānī.

In Taoism 'Xian' are the immortal beings; yet is pronounced Chen (仙).

Some of the additional symbolism, is a Zander is a fish, like the early Christian Church symbol ><> a cross between a pike & a perch.

Z is the Last letter in the English alphabet, and A is the first; so when Yeshua said the Last with be First, and the First Last, Zanda becomes the Alpha & Omega reversed.

The one time I find my name spelled the way I would in Hebrew, it is in reverse at the end of Nebuchadnezzar's name (נבוכדנאצר + נבוכדנצר) - Adnaz (Zanda - צאנד); thus symbolically as we come out of Babylon the Great, the Curse is reversed, and the Messiah is once again named as the King of Kings.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A Democratic Oneness Religion Evolution



Theological Oneness

In many of the world's religions, Oneness is the ultimate goal; it is a definition of what Heaven is, and is the essence of our reality. We all seek Oneness in many different ways: We attend gatherings, as we want to find some sense of community. At a biological level, we create a connection with others, so that we can reproduce a part of ourselves within that Oneness. People feel a sense of awe when in nature, from the connection to a Oneness within everything. There feels an empty space within us, that though we try to fill it with different activities, it doesn't fully make us content - as we seek to feel One.

Religious Oneness

The many different religions around the world are all trying to describe the same reality, and create an ethical society, that can live together in harmony. The issue of religions fighting, is not recognizing that we need to unite the concepts, and then look for a universal consensus, that we all can agree to, where there is then a more moral social ethical system. There is no good having different ethical systems for each religious culture - as we're one world living together, and we need the same policies globally, for us all not to offend each other.

Political Oneness

Currently the world has been taught that a republic is a democracy, and that we've got a right to vote for people to represent our thoughts on topics; the problem with this is, it takes the right of the individual away, making it that we feel we don't have a choice to affect real change, and that our life has a grand sense of Oneness, by feeling that we're all involved in the process together.

Scientific Oneness

We exist inside a system all made out of quantum physics, where we're all made from the same - which means there is a Oneness amongst all of us. The Fibonacci sequence is interwoven into the whole of reality: where a snail shell, a wave in the ocean, a galaxy spiral, and our finger print is all a Golden Spiral - showing that there is a central Source to all the mathematics. The Periodic table is a mathematical matrices - showing that our whole reality has mathematical structuring. So we're all different calculations in a Universal Symphony; we're all part of that same music/maths, and thus we all exist within the same Oneness.

Monday, January 22, 2024


What once was ceremonial,
Has now become recreational:
Instead of educational entheogens,
Higher vibrational sensations,
Direct metaphysical revelations -
With magical celebrations,
& psychological elevations -
Awfully long sermons,
With dulled undertones,
& a system that groans.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

How To Fix Some of the World's Religious Divisions

There is only one Source to reality, that is beyond names - as it manifests everything we exist within.

Some of the different terminologies for the Source in the world's religions are:

  • Chronos (Time & Order) - Greek.
  • Brahman (fundamental principle) - Hindu.
  • Universal Mind - Buddhist.
  • Ahura Mazda (Lord of Wisdom) - Zoroastrian.
  • El Elyon & Ala Ilah (God Most High) - Hebrew & Arabic.

For the Source to interact with reality, it made the Divine Beings (Elohim) - Which are better defined as Avatars/Archangels.

There are 24 Enlightened Being surrounding the Throne of God, and the Creator that interacts as the spokesperson for the rest.

The Creator in Sanskrit is 'Bhagavan Brahma', which implies the Lord of Creation; this translated into Hebrew is two words, 'Yah' meaning 'Lord' (Psalms 89:8), and 'Havah' meaning the same as 'Brahma' - which became 'YHVH'.

The Creator Divine Being (YHVH Eloh) in the Bible created the other Divine Beings (Elohim - H430), and so Biblically it has been confused to be God its self. - It is the same as declaring Zeus to be God, when Chronos manifests reality.

When Christ tried to correct the Jews two thousand years ago, to understand that YHVH Eloh was the Son of the God Most High (El Elyon), they got confused; as they thought Christ was claiming to be God (El), instead of being the Spirit of the Creator (YHVH) Divine Being (Eloh).

Ever since the Babylonian Exile they've muddled up the differences between El and Eloh (Isaiah 46:9) to avoid polytheism; where El (H410) translates as primordial God, and Eloh (H433) is a Divine Being/Avatar breathed into existence.

Whereas we are lead to believe that these religions were miles apart, there are fundamental similarities; as there is only one reality, and one Heaven that they're all trying to describe.

Monday, November 6, 2023

The Bible is an Exam


The Bible is a prophesied misunderstood spiritual exam:

Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) Vs The false Gospel of John is a morality IQ test.

Yeshua (Salvation) Vs Saul (Sheol - Hell).

Simon petros (peter) is a stumbling stone Vs Yeshua is the foundation rock of Salvation.

Wizanda's Quotes

When we're the smartest person in the classroom, stop being the class-clown. When we know we can get to each other, that is when it can...