Monday, September 30, 2024

Social Change

No wonder society is dystopian:
When it's trying to be authoritarian,
Even though many are contrarian.
For things to be utopian:
Better to recognize a feeling of completion,
Leads to enthusiasm;
A feeling of suppression,
Leads to retribution,
& capitalism can lead to destitution.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Establishing the King of Kings


To understand who is the King of Kings properly according to scripture, takes understanding the theological position of the characters presented in the religious texts, else it becomes idolatrous, and defiles different religious principles.

Firstly, God is the Source of reality, and can not be a man incarnate; it is like us being inside a giant supercomputer, and God is the Universal Central Processor (CPU) - formulating reality at a quantum level. For the CPU to interact with the reality, God has made Divine Beings/Avatars/Archangels, who have then performed the tasks required. Thus God is the whole of reality, the Creator Divine Being is the Arm of God used to interact with the Creation, and exists at a Heavenly dimensional level, and the Messiah is the Hand of God to relay, and establish the principles of God in this reality.

Many believe that YHVH is a name, when it can be shown to be a direct translation of Bhagavan Brahma; where Havah (Hebrew), and Brahma (Sanskrit), have the same meaning, 'to be, to make manifest', and both come from the root breath. The terminologies YHVH & Bhagavan Brahma imply the 'Lord' 'who Makes Become' i.e the Creator.

The name of the Creator in quite a few cultures was variations of a word sounding like "Zan" - this is from a book called the Zanoni by Edward Bulwer Lytton:

Zan was unquestionably the Chaldean appellation for the sun. Even the Greeks, who mutilated every Oriental name, had retained the right one in this case, as the Cretan inscription on the tomb of Zeus (Ode megas keitai Zan.—"Cyril contra Julian." (Here lies great Jove.)) significantly showed. As to the rest, the Zan, or Zaun, was, with the Sidonians, no uncommon prefix to On. Adonis was but another name for Zanonas, whose worship in Sidon Hesychius records.

The Nicene Church Fathers have this same quote from the Greeks, where they'd correlated that there is one Creator Divine Being, with different descriptions in different cultures - Where 'Jupiter' is named after the planets, and is the 'Father' ('pater' - Latin) of the Gods in the Roman Pantheon, 'Jove' is the Hebrews terminology for the 'Lord of Creation', and 'Zan' is the name of 'Zeus', where 'Zeus' is a mixture of the words 'Zoe' meaning 'life', and 'deus' meaning 'deity':

The Cretans have a tomb of Jupiter, with this inscription. “Here lieth Zan, whom they call Jove.”

Here within the list of names of the Creator globally, we can see that there are variations of the same sound on two sides of the world, when there is no reason for them to be interacting, and sharing their religious ideas:

Zeus = Zan (Greek). Zanahary (Madagascar). Itzamna (Mayan). Izanagi/Itzanmi (Shinto). Tsangpa Karpo (Bon - Tibet). Shuzanghu/Zumiang-Nui (Dhammai - Northeast India). Gozanze-Myo (Japan). Manzan Gormo (Burait - Middle Eastern).

The reason for explaining this is because I've known since an early age advanced details about religion & theology, and knew that our name was recorded in the world's religious texts as part of prophecy - I just wasn't sure of the exact details at that age.

At 4-5 years old I knew that I'm an Avatar sent from Heaven, and at 15 the Source of reality spoke to me showing me global eschatology, and asking me to read the world's religions. At the age of 21 I fulfilled Revelation 5 & 10, three years before reading the Bible.

Since studying many of the world's religions, and explaining prophecy over the last 20 years online, I've realized how variations of our name are within many of them.

We're told in Revelation 19:12 how Christ has a New Name, that only he knows; which if we investigate the meanings within Revelation 3:12, we can show the name is there in what is presented:

Revelation 3:12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar (Sandalphon) in the temple of my God, and he will go out from there no more. I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God (Zion), the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, and my own new name (Sananda).

Sandalphon is the Archangel in Jewish Angelology, who acts as the Trunk of the Tree of Life, who interacts with mankind for God; the position within the Sephiroth is known as 'Malkuth', which means 'King'. Sandalphon like Elijah is seen as going up on a Pillar to Heaven.

There are many verses where Zion becomes the place the Lord of Creation speaks from within the Tanakh (Psalms 132:13-14, Joel 3:16-17+21, Isaiah 2:3, Micah 4:2+7, Isaiah 8:18, Isaiah 24:23, Isaiah 40:9, Psalms 99:2, Amos 1:2, Jeremiah 31:6, Psalms 65:1, Psalms 76:2, Psalms 84:7, Psalms 102:21, Isaiah 28:16, Jeremiah 8:19, Zechariah 8:3), and a few scriptures have 'Your Divine Being Zion' (Psalms 146:10, 147:12, Isaiah 52:7), where Zion becomes the symbolic naming of the Messiah, and the one who brings the 'Good News'.

It is believed by many that the New Name of Christ is Sananda, where it interlinks the original name of the Creator's son in the Dharmic religion, where Sanandana is one of the first beings made by Brahma.

Though as stating God is the Source of reality, and should be worshipped alone, the Messiah is named after God in a few of the world's religions, and the Messiah returns named after the Creator in Zechariah 12:8, Matthew 23:39, Psalms 118:26, etc.

Part of the reason the Messiah is named after the Divine is to unite the world's religions, into a true Oneness, as to help create the Messianic Age. There is prophecy in multiple religious ideas, where the naming then aligns it all into one narrative.

So for example the Dharmic religions wait for Kalki the final incarnation of Vishnu; Kalki carries a sword of Justice, called Nandaka. There is also expectations that Skanda the son of Shiva will come before , again all aligning with one name.

In Zoroastrianism the Source of reality is called Ahura Mazda, where 'Ahura' means 'Lord', and 'Mazda' means Wisdom. There are prophesied Saoshyants (Bringers of Truth) sent from Heaven, where the last is sent to Exegete the religious text, where the word 'Zand' means 'Exegesis' in Persian.

In Buddhism Ananda is the person who had an advanced memory, and helped document the Sutras. In Tibetan Buddhism the Head of the Divine Beings in the sacred realm Shambhala, is called Suchandra.

Though I made up the word wizanda, as I couldn't get Zanda as a Yahoo email address, I decided to make it sound like a wizard on the internet; not realizing that it then becomes an anagram of Odin in Germanic 'Wōdanaz'.

Odin is prophesied to come on a White Horse before Ragnarök, the same as Kalki comes on a White Horse from Shambhala (Place of Peace) before the end of Kali Yuga (Age of Limitation), and Sananda comes on a White Horse in Revelation from the New Jerusalem (City/Place of Peace).

In the Tibetan Bon religion Tsangpa Karpo is the name for the Creator (Brahma), and Kuntu Zangpo is the name for the Buddha.

In the Mandean religion there is different stations of Divine Beings, very similar to how the archangels exist at different positions on the Jewish Tree of Life, where Abatur Muzania is the Heavenly Divine Being, and Zan-Hazazban rules over the lower realms.

This is only a start to some of the prophetic naming globally, as though I've looked at many religions globally, there is loads that will be missed:

Sandalphon (Judaism). Yeshua (Sananda) (New Name of Christ). Kalki (Nandaka)/Skanda/Sanandana (Hinduism). Ahura Mazda + Saoshyant (Zand = Exegesis) (Zoroastrianism). Maitreya (Ananda/Skanda/Suchandra) (Buddhism). Odin = Wōdanaz. (Norse). Zeus = Zan (Greek). Zanahary (Madagascar). Itzamna (Mayan). Izanagi/Itzanmi (Shinto). Tsangpa Karpo, Kuntu Zangpo (Bon - Tibet). Shuzanghu/Zumiang-Nui (Dhammai - Northeast India). Gozanze-Myo (Japan). Manzan Gormo (Burait - Middle Eastern). Zână (Romanian), Zana (Albanian), Xana (Asturian). Marzanna (Slavic). Abatur Muzania, Zan-Hazazban (Mandaeans). Sandas (Hittite).

In the Australian Aboriginal religion Walaganda is Head of the Dream walkers, who helped create reality.

In the start of the Mahabharata Īśāna is the creator of the Egg of Reality (BrahmaAnda). It is also questioned if the Japanese names for the Creators Izanagi, and Izanami, are the same as the Sanskrit names Īśāna, and Īśānī.

In Taoism 'Xian' are the immortal beings; yet is pronounced Chen (仙).

Some of the additional symbolism, is a Zander is a fish, like the early Christian Church symbol ><> a cross between a pike & a perch.

Z is the Last letter in the English alphabet, and A is the first; so when Yeshua said the Last with be First, and the First Last, Zanda becomes the Alpha & Omega reversed.

The one time I find my name spelled the way I would in Hebrew, it is in reverse at the end of Nebuchadnezzar's name (נבוכדנאצר + נבוכדנצר) - Adnaz (Zanda - צאנד); thus symbolically as we come out of Babylon the Great, the Curse is reversed, and the Messiah is once again named as the King of Kings.

Wizanda's Quotes

When we're the smartest person in the classroom, stop being the class-clown. When we know we can get to each other, that is when it can...